August 29 - (11:59 PM) I have two tests, a quiz, and a two page John Locke report due tommarrow and I haven't even unzipped my backpack. August 1 - Found my Half-Life/Counter-Strike files on my old computer they'll be back online soon. July 15 - I'll bring back the Half-Life/Counter-Strike section soon, I hadn't logged into Geocities for three months so they deleted my account. May 26 - Last day of school, during my english exam essay I got an idea for putting all my school work online, I'll do that next year. March 8 - Added the "Romeo and Juliet" section finally, it's just a literature project made by Murtaza and I. January 8 - DBZ section improved, added new cars in prototype and supercar sections, removed WWII background. +----! Happy New Year !----+ December 7 - 60 Year anniversary of Pearl Harbor, I hope you like the WWII background. October 23 - Additional Cars added in Past Cars May 27 - School is out! Honors classes entailed a rather homework-intensive year. That, combined with Counter-Strike and Caesar 3 left the page without updates for 10 months. By the way, a Counter-Strike section coming soon. Prototype cars added, I changed the pillars to gold, I wanted a change of pace from the ol' gray. Thanks to all the visitors,the site is approaching 10,000 hits! April 25- I changed how the main page looks, tell what you think with the guestbook or email. Tony's Place reaches 9000 hits! Dragonball Z page is almost done! March 11- Dragon Ball Z page started. It's only about 50% completed. Tony's Place reaches 8000 hits! January 21- YEAH! the new madlib is working, I made it at 4 AM so tell me if it's funny.-The New Madlib. +----! Holy Crap 2000 went by fast !----+ December 13- Construction on the car page is complete but it's pushed the "About Tony" page back to January, when I figure out why my new madlib keeps having Javascript errors I will release it to the public.
Dec 1- A new madlib should be up soon, the car page is under construction , only a few links work there. The "About Tony" page is not working that should be up on the 26th |